Here I am trying to send out an email about the greatness of yoga and how it helps you relax and I am totally stressed out!
I am waiting on customer service to help me with a question I have with sending this very e-mail. I have zero patience for technology.
It doesn’t come natural to me and there are so many things that could go wrong. UGH!
So I notice and I laugh at the irony. Thats it.
Somedays thats all you can do is notice how you are choosing to react to something. So I got up. I walked around, deepened my breath, relaxed my jaw, and fought back the tears of frustration. I offered myself grace. Patience.
Doing ANYTHING for the 1st time is stressful. That inner voice is going to be screaming at you that you can not do it. That its not worth the struggle. But thats the negativity bias. The ego doesn’t want to grow or learn and wants to just stay small, not try. It wants to remind me of all the times I did things that didnt work.
THAT’S why I love my job as a health coach. I get to help my clients take the struggle out of learning new habits that help them lose weight, age better and stress less!
Click here to schedule your Free Health Jumpstart Consult to learn HOW you can simplify new habits.
Now…back to yoga.
Yoga at Dothan Nurseries Starts July 13 6AM.
If this is your 1st ever yoga class let me say WELCOME! I look forward to meeting you and yes! I do know how hard it is to sign up for your 1st yoga class.
I began practicing about 7 years ago and my 1st class was at 5:30am. I believe in yoga. For me personally, it has been a game changer. My classes focus on the breath. Learning how to focus on your breath can help you when you are faced with stressful times. I want you to be able to take what you learn in these classes and apply them to your life. We all have struggles and stress. Yoga will not make your life all rainbows and butterflies but it will give you the tools to deal with the stressors of adulting.
Set your intentions! Start your day with a positive attitude. It will boost your motivation and will help you to achieve your goals quicker and easier. It is not always easy to stay positive. We seem to be drowning in negativity in the world lately and I want you to have as many tools to combat these stressors as possible. Who knows what will happen throughout the day?!! But by setting your intensions, it can keep you focused and mindful of what is important to YOU and I am here to help.
Hey! If you aren’t a morning person, thats okay too! But maybe I can get you to smile before its all over.
If you haven’t signed up there are still a few spots left!
What to bring:
Water, coffee (if you need it) hand towel if you would like, Mat, & YOU! Leave your phone in the car.
I love Manduka yoga mats. I still have my very 1st one and it holds up, doesn’t slip and gives me enough cushion for my knees. If you are in the market for a yoga mat. go to and use VALHEALTHCOACH for 15% off
I do have a few extra mats, so if you need one-please email me at
I will also have blocks to help modify any poses.
If the gate is locked, don’t worry we will open it ASAP. When you come in to Dothan nurseries, hang a right. You will see a pavilion in the back right. Thats where we will be!
Please get there 10 minutes prior to class so you can enjoy all there is to offer but HEY! if you are Running late, COME ON in! No worries.
I hope you have a fantastic and safe 4th as we celebrate this great country of ours.
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